I moved Matty up to Austin and driving back to San Marcos I began experiencing pangs of home-sickness. Being in a new place, a new neighborhood surrounded by strangers makes me miss my home... my family, my Matty (my homes.)
It applies to me as well. Been thinking about how self-centered we all can be.
This blog seems a bit self-centered.... but golly gee I will post what I'm wearing today as if anyone cares (not that they should) or really will benefit from it.
Coffee + peanut butter and banana toast + Masterpiece Mystery + Morning yoga + The pale light of morning streaming through windows + Talking to my God.
So Matty and I have been planning a picnic for a while now. We were watching Anthony Bourdain in Provence and he was eating bread, meat and cheese (a.k.a. perfection) and we thought that would be a perfect picnic meal. The other day was gloomy and such so I got good French cheese, a baguette, dried Italian sausage (for him, not me), green grapes and salad fixins and we had a French platter inside :) But I can't wait for the real outdoor one!