It is 9:17 as I begin writing this little diddly. I'm in Austin at Whole foods enjoying oatmeal and coffee (although I should have gotten the French roast and not have taken a chance on this stuuuuf). Summer grew wings in may and soon after flew by me leaving me thankful for the rest but bewildered about where my vacation went. What am I saying??? I am well rested and ready to go back to school in full force... well after our family Florida trip next week! We are going to St. George island whose shark infested waters are less than inviting but as long as I'm with my lovable lovable lovable family I will be A okay. I also need to somehow have a guitar with me, my notebook, new book (almost done with The Haunting of Hill House) and my yoga mat and running shoes!
Alright all of you who are not reading this right now! Bye bye!
P.S. I want a black kitten.
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