The Sunday morning weekend so far recap:
Thursday: Midnight premiere of The Social Network in Austin (So frickkin goood)
Friday: Too tired from the midnight premiere to go to school :) So I woke up to coffee and breakfast, then had a nice walk, went to the grocery store, went back to the grocery store because I decided to make cupcakes, made said cupcakes, took Annabella the sweet dog my neighbors are dogsitting for a walk and then boyfriend arrived. We walked downtown in the lovely night air and got Chinese food to go. We had a picnic in my apartment while we ate and watched 30 Rock and the Office.
Saturday: I forgot the words to the National Anthem at this Health Fair in NB (Thank you mom for signing me up for that one), got a new (really old) vacuum cleaner, went for a walk with the boy, had lunch at the coffee pot, found the cutest Corgi up for adoption at Petsmart (if the timing had been right then Matt would have taken her), went to Best Buy, picked up Glynn, went to Hastings, sat outside Chipotle and watched Glynn eat, Dropped Glynn off, cleaned my apartment, cooked a nice pasta dinner, watched Gilmore Girls and hung out.
Oh and Matty bought me pink panasonic headphones!!!! I'll use them when I record songs :)
He got white ones!
Now it is Sunday morning and I'm going to finish my coffee and cinnamon harvest cereal and go for a run!
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